Health Warnings
Creativity and Art. Health Warnings on Tobacco.

As part of anti-smoking campaigns, visual warnings have been used on cigarette packaging for several years to raise awareness among potential consumers about the harmful health effects of tobacco.
In the development of the 2023 warnings, we had the privilege of participating in the production of the graphics and its user manual. During this process, we had deep learning and awareness of the serious damage tobacco causes to the health of consumers and their surroundings. In collaboration with the technical team of the Ministry of Health, the topics to be represented in each warning graphic were selected based on existing studies and identified issues.
Through an iterative process and taking advantage of the power of rapid sketching provided by artificial intelligence, we conceptualized and defined the images to be produced.
Given the tight schedule, the decision was made to use images generated by artificial intelligence along with the photographic assets. We applied photo retouching and illustration techniques to bring each image to life.
This combination of creativity and technology allowed us to effectively convey the message of the warnings, highlighting the dangers of tobacco consumption and promoting conscious reflection among potential smokers.We hope that our visual warnings will have a significant impact on public awareness and help reduce tobacco consumption in our society.