Wind Giants

Puzzle / Adventure 3D Game.


Many centuries ago, after the great catastrophe, the ancient sages of the center of the world devised a plan to revive the planet. Four giants hidden in the floating islands await the guide who can solve the puzzles and awaken them.

Game Cover Art - Wind Giants
Promotional Image - Wind Giants

What is it?
Wind Giants is an adventure and puzzle game set in a post-apocalyptic future, with a visual and sound environment strongly influenced by Andean folklore. This project has been developed with the support of competitive funds from the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador.

How to play?
The user will take control and from a first-person point of view will explore the floating islands, looking for clues and solving puzzles that will awaken the giants. 

The game is structured into four main areas, with different types of puzzles to solve.

Each island has a main element that is represented by a giant.
Island 1 – Giant: Turtle. Element: Earth.
Island 2 – Giant: Condor. Element: Air.
Island 3 – Giant: Frog. Element: Water.
Island 4 – Giant: Hominid. Element: Fire.

The future
During 2023, updates will be launched focused on improving the visual and technical aspects of Wind Giants, in parallel we will seek financing to launch a definitive version in 2024.

In Game ScreenShot

Andean design for cutscenes

Game Cover Art

Promotional Image

In Game ScreenShot

In Game ScreenShot

In Game ScreenShot

Andean design for cutscenes

Promotional Image

Promotional Image

In Game ScreenShot

Andean design for cutscenes